The Premium Crop of Cigars
In category: Selecting a Cigar
Not having Arnold Schwarzenneger’s mega bank account can still allow cigar aficionados all over the world to treat themselves with especially fine cigars on special occasions. Fine cigars may be quite expensive but every puff of smoke is definitely worth every single penny because smoking a truly fine cigar will make anyone feel like the Chief Executive.
In the world of expensive cigars, there are some items which can be best labeled as “collectibles”. These collectibles are better put inside a frame or displayed under a glass than smoked into ashes. One example of a collectible is the Montecristo No.2. Made in 1961, every stick of the Montecristo No.2 costs about $400. Even if they are wrapped in the original cellophane, the Flor de Farach Coronas which are made in 1947 are probably best displayed under a glass than smoked.
There are still some available fine cigars that are definitely meant to be smoked. Some of them even come with very affordable price tags. The Padron Anniversary series that costs around $65 and the Graycliff that costs around $75 per stick are some examples. Either of the two will absolutely compete well with a fine snifter of brandy for any cigar aficionado’s attention. The smooth Cohiba Primades with a medium body and a distinct aroma will be appreciated because it offers a great quality and a low price of only $35.
H. Upmann also offers a Piramides that is worth investigating. A reminiscent of a Montecristo No. 2 with hints of mocha, the H. Upmann Piramides is very strong Cuban cigar with a German name still ranks among the greats despite having a price that is affordable to the masses.
Another great cigar that comes with a rather pricey tag is the slender Lanceros made by Cohiba. Costing around $350, this very creamy cigar has a very light venation and a very smooth draw. It also contains some hints of espresso and a very spicy aftertaste.
Punch makes a small Habano that still maintains a full flavor despite being very mild. A lot of cigar enthusiasts will prefer the Churchill. They also make very heavy cigars that are filled with eathy tones. These are oriented toward those people who like a strong smoke. A definite must-try is the Monarcas.
For something a bit unusual, cigar aficionados can always try some Ashton Cabinet limited edition cigars which are made in the Dominican Republic. These full-bodied cigars with complex overtones are available in a wide range of sizes.
One collectible that is intended to be smoked is the 1937 La Corona. This collection of 5 ½ x 42 cigars are available for $1000 per stick. With the very expensive price that comes with it, La Corona sticks will definitely go well with a free glass of cognac.