Medium Priced Cigars with Top Notch Flavors
In category: Selecting a Cigar
Paying a little more for a fine cigar is not that hard at all especially if the very fine smoke is worth every penny. With the expensive price that comes with most high quality cigars, people find it almost impossible to enjoy one cigar every single day. Splurging on cigars may not be as difficult if people shift to the selection of medium priced cigars with top notch flavors.
The Romeo y Julieta line offers a collection of medium priced flavorful cigars for people who love a great smoke. The spicy Exhibicion No. 4 is a medium bodied cigar with a great aftertaste while the Excepcionales Cello is a full bodied cigar with a hint of pepper and nutmeg. The Excepcionales Cello is in a Corona Grande size.
Another line that offers medium priced cigars is Montecristo. The wide range of cigar collection from Montecristo is sometimes better than the fine quality cigars from other companies. The Especiales No.1 in a Lonsdale is a smooth cigar with floral scents while the No. 4 is a spicy cigar with herbal aromas and full bodied flavors. It is in a petit corona size.
One popular cigar brand, and for a very good reason, is Davidoff. The cigars from Davidoff are made from tobacco blends from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Davidoff cigars resemble other higher priced elite cigars.
Dominican Republic’s No. 4000 has a nutty flavor and a woody aroma that goes perfectly with a glass of Cabernet. People who prefer Port wine may want to consider the Special R in a robusto, a cigar that offers more spices for lower prices.
The Grand Gru line offers a variety of medium priced cigars with high priced flavors. The petit corona No. 3 from the said line is a good draw, spicy tasting cigar that is very easy on the wallet. It’s simply outstanding!
Another great name in the world of cigar making is of course, H. Upmann. The H. Upmann cigars, which are made by the descendants of Cuban tobacco growers and cigar makers, comes with amazingly low prices despite the great things that they offer in a smoke.
A cigar that gives out some hints of spice and coffee is the Connoisseur No. 1. The corona is just the perfect size for those who prefer a relaxing smoke at the club or in the study. The Coronas Major, which is an excellent choice for those who like to enjoy their cigars with a dessert, is a medium bodied cigar with sweet spices.
People who share the love for both cigars and literature will definitely love the Shakespeare Vintage line. These medium priced cigars are made with 100% long fillers. The mildness and well age of these cigars make them the perfect reading companions.
A medium bodied and medium dark cigar, the robusto maduro has both a nice taste and a great smell. Those people who wish to smoke a light cigar to go along with their spy novels may opt for a Vintage Natural instead. This cigar is lighter than other variants and it is available in a range from Churchills to petit coronas.