Fine Cigar Options that Comes with Modest Prices
In category: Selecting a Cigar
Spending a little more cash is generally needed to get a truly fine cigar but for occasional smokers and novices who just want to enjoy a good a cigar without emptying their bank accounts, there are a few cigar options available that will still offer a satisfying smoke without asking for a high cost.
Generally costing no more than a few dollars, the Arturo Fuente Curly Head is a hand made cigar that comes in 6 x 43 lonsdales. It is a maduro, a medium dark cigar, and it is made in the Dominican Republic. The mildness and flavor of the Arturo Fuente Curly Head makes it perfect for a very relaxing smoke.
The Baccarat Luchadores is another cigar option with the same size and price range as the Arturo Fuente Curly Head. Made in Honduras, it is both mild and sweet, which makes it a favorite of most cigar smokers. It either comes with a Cameroon or a Connecticut wrapper. Both types provide a fine smoke at a modest cost. The Baccarat has a number of cigar options and it includes the huge Churchills at 7 x 50, the large Belicoso at 6 x 54, the massive King at 8 ½ x 52, and the little Petit Corona at 5 ½ x 42.
Another popular cigar choice is the Flor de Oliva. This line of cigars uses Sumatran wrappers and either Dominican or Nicaraguan tobacco fillers. Flor de Oliva cigars are smooth and robust. The larger sizes are especially designed to smoke slower and cooler.
Other cigar options include the Robusto Maduro, an ample 5 x 50 cigar with a medium body in a thick and short frame; the Torpedo, a large 6 x 53 cigar with a delicate and subtle sweet aftertaste; and the Diademas figurado, a massive 6 ½ x 60 cigar with a wonderful flavor that will last a long time.
Hoyo de Monterrey is a cigar line that originated from Cuba but now utilizes Honduran tobaccos from Cuban seeds. It offers a full line of great tasting cigars that are available at very affordable prices. These cigars offer an international vibe by consisting of Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, Honduran binders, and Sumatran seed wrappers. The Sumatran seed wrappers are from Indonesia. One great Hoyo de Monterrey cigar is the Excalibur, a mild to medium bodied cigar that both tastes great and ages well.
Smoking aficionados can never go wrong with a Dunhill. This Honduran made cigar is composed of blended tobaccos from Mexico, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic with an Indonesian wrapper. It is a very flavorful blend that is also very affordable. The Dunhill line also offers a box that has a variety of sizes that allows cigar enthusiasts to enjoy different cigars on different days.
Spending a lot of money for a high quality cigar often gives the cigar smokers what they paid for. For cigar aficionados who are on a tight budget, there are still some lesser masterpieces available that offer a great smoke at an affordable value.